Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Pub Ad Questions: Administrative Behaviour and Law and Order

Krishna Pradeep Test-series 2012

1. Comment on the following
a. Messiest forms of decision-making - that is judgemental, compromising, inspirational, and authoritarian decision-making - all associate with organizations that are characterized as organized anarchies.
b. Barriers to effective communication are behavioural. There is also a cultural context of communications.
c. Emotional Intelligence is one trait that distinguishes a succesful leader from an unsuccessful leader.

2. a. What is the relevance of  the theories of Maslow and Herzberg to contemporary managers. 30 mks
b. Why do people want to become administrators in the public and non-profit sectors instead of the private sector? Do they have different motivations that people who enter the private sector? 30mks

a. (i) Leadership is seen as dealing with change, whereas administration is seen as coping with complexity.
    (ii) Do organizations actually need leaders? Are we conned by flashy organizational leaders whose huge and unprecedented salaries frequently go up even as the performance of the organizations that they lead goes down. 30mks
b. Who are the leaders of present-day organizations: transformational or transactional? 30 mks

4 a. Which contemporary theory/theories of motivation can be applied to civil servants of the day in the context of declining significance of the principle of ministerial responsibility? 30mks
b. What is morale? Explain the morale-building measures recommended by various administrative thinkers ranging from Taylor to Herzberg? 30mks

5. Answer the following (20x3m=60mks)
a. The appointment of the state police chief should be according to the well laid out principles as prescribed by the NPC and reiterated by the Supreme Court. There should not be any political influence in this matter. Examine with one example.
b. The role of central government in the maintainence of law and order should not be considered as an attack on the federal spirit. Examine in the context of the NCTC.
c. Do you think there is a need for ending the British legacy in the police administration in the context of Globalisation.

6. a. Is it true that central legislations like AFSPA 1958, are a violation of Human Rights? What kind of implications can it have for the personnel administration of police service. 30mks
b. Every central police force was established in teh context of some law and order crisis. Is the government lacking proper strategy? What could be the major factors? 30mks

7 a. Consider  the following statements  30mks.
       (i) Criminalisation of politics is a normal phenomenon in present politics.
       (ii) Criminalisation is not an issue that is unresolvable.
b. What kind of Good Governance measures are needed to promote the police-public relations? 15mks.
c. If police turn criminals to whom can the people complain? 15mks.

8 a. National Police Commission recommendations on police reforms were reiterated by the Supreme Court in the Prakash Singh case. Are there any differences between the two? 30mks/
b. The recommendations of the ARCII on public order are more relevant to make the police more people-friendly. Comment. 30mks.

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